Dr. Yetkin Bayer

After having completed his primary, middle, and high school education in Istanbul, Dr. Yetkin Bayer continued his education at the T.U. Faculty of Medicine and became a medical doctor. He completed his compulsory service after working for 2 years in Afyon, later settling down in the US.
He carried out research and participated in workshops on hair transplantation and medical aesthetics while living in various places in the US like Austin and Philadelphia.

In March 1994, he attended the International Symposium on Hair Replacement Surgery (An International Symposium: Hair Replacement Surgery-Mar’94) held in Alabama.

In the following years, he began to perform hair transplant operations with Plastic Surgeon Oğuz Nevit Ergün in the state of California, and in 1995 he attended the Global Convention on Hair Restoration in Century City, California organized by American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery- Hair Restoration 1st Global Convention: Jan’95) as well as various seminars and workshops.

Throughout 10 years of staying in the US, Dr. Yetkin BAYER attended various conventions and medical education seminars on Medical Aesthetics in the fields of Mesotherapy, Carboxytherapy, Peeling, Botox and Filling Applications, Microdermabrasion, Laser Treatments (Hair Removal, Tattoo Removal, Capillary Removal Treatments, Skin Rejuvenation and Spot Treatment) and improved in these fields.

After coming back to Turkey, he was awarded the Medical Aesthetic Practice Certificate given by the Republic of Turkey’s Ministry of Health and the Directorate General of Health Services. Furthermore, Dr. Bayer is a certified acupuncturist approved by the Ministry of Health and a physician who also can do practices of conscious hypnosis.


  • T.U. Faculty of Medicine


  • Certified Acupuncturist – Ministry of Health